Phoenix Restoran
Gableci po 23 kn
91 m från hotellet
Velikogoricka 10b
En guide till bra ställen i närheten av Hotel Phoenix
Kavica, pivo, mirogojček ... birajte, lokalna birtija u koju svi rado svrate. Meni je nekako normalno ujutro u nedjelju popit tamo kavu
280 m från hotellet
Habdelićeva 2/1
The best place for waterskiing in continental Croatia….come and visit KLUB ZA SKIJANJE NA VODI ČIĆE
0.6 km från hotellet
Staro Čiče
Must try jumbo pizza, along with some good beverage. Meat and squid a little bit too greasy, taste somewhat good. Rural interior makes atmosphere ideal for hangouts with family or friends.
1.9 km från hotellet
Velikogorička 47
Dozivjeti susret generacija - bombas iz NOB-a i dr. Franjo na svega 50ak metara razdaljine!
4.5 km från hotellet
This has quickly become my favorite pizza in Velika Gorica area. Great interior, very pleasant staff, awesome food selection. Try Štanga pizza!
4.8 km från hotellet
Matije Slatinskog 9
Is the inly place in the city with separated area for smokers
4.9 km från hotellet